Standard reusable pallets have become an integral part of the modern supply chain. The logistics and administration around pallets is sometimes very complex. In order to avoid disruptions within the process chain, it is advisable to use pallets for which clear quality standards are in place and compliance with the standards is monitored. Clear processes and documentation standards are essential.
The Stiftung Initiative Mehrweg (SIM) tries to establish dialogue between the different stakeholders in the field of reusable pallets. The aim is the sustainable further development of systems and procedures to make the use of reusable pallets more sustainable and efficient for all parties involved.
Countless goods and commodities are transported worldwide on a daily basis and the reusable pallet in particular is an important part of the supply chain.
There are different types of reusable pallets. The best known reusable pallet is the wooden Euro pallet. The Euro pallet is standardised and can be exchanged at will between industry, suppliers and logistics partners. These include automotive suppliers and automotive manufacturers, food suppliers and food manufacturers, suppliers and manufacturers of the textile and electronics industry and the wholesale trade. If a Euro pallet can no longer be repaired, it is burned as energy recovery for the production of new Euro pallets and returned to the cycle.

EURO hygiene pallet
There are other environmentally friendly and sustainable returnable pallet solutions. The Euro hygiene pallet, for example, is mainly used in the food industry. It is a reusable transport packaging solution made entirely of recyclable plastic. It is particularly durable and conserves valuable resources.
In Europe, this Euro hygiene pallet is increasingly establishing itself as an environmentally friendly alternative to the Euro wooden pallet.
In Europe, the Euro hygiene pallet is the number one food hygiene pallet and the recognised standard in the food industry.
The supplying industries rely on the Euro H1 hygiene pallet. These include the packaging industry and other fresh produce sectors.
The Euro H1 hygiene pallet was developed especially for the meat and food industry. It is exchangeable throughout Europe with the GS1 seal. Extreme resilience and durability are what set this pallet apart from the rest.